Gabriel García Márquez (1927- 2014)



“When he was working, Garcia Marquez would wake up before dawn every day, read a book, skim through the newspapers and then write for four hours. His wife would put a yellow rose on his desk.

His last public appearance was on his 87th birthday when he came out from his Mexico City home to smile and wave at well-wishers, a yellow rose in the lapel of his gray suit.”  (Anahi Rama for Reuters)

I don’t have any roses in bloom yet, but I offer some daffodils from my garden in honor of this author who has brought me so many beautiful reading moments.


Rest in peace, Gabo.

“A short time later, when the carpenter was taking measurements for the coffin, through the window they saw a light rain of tiny yellow flowers falling. They fell on the town all through the night in a silent storm, and they covered the roofs and blocked the doors and smothered the animals who slept outdoors.

So many flowers fell from the sky that in the morning the streets were carpeted with a compact cushion and they had to clear them away with shovels and rakes so that the funeral procession could pass by.” 

García Márquez (Cien años de soledad/100 Years of Solitude)



67 thoughts on “Gabriel García Márquez (1927- 2014)

  1. What a wonderful tribute, Letizia. I have been thinking of him all day long, even ordered one of his books through the public library as my tribute. His words will continue to inspire…

  2. How great that you remembered the rain of yellow flowers immediately after you heard that Garcia Marques had died! What a wonderful memory! And from my favorite and maybe his best book – Thank you!

    • Every time there’s wind and the petals from a tree “rain” down from the sky I’ve always thought of him, so I immediately thought of this scene when I read about his love for yellow roses.

  3. Wonderful tribute to one of the Best latin american writers ever… He will remain alive through his books. He was a prolific writer who created a whole narrative personal universe, being the Main exponent of Magic realism … I loved that you have included yellow flowers as he loved them Best wishes, Aquileana 🙂

    • It’s hard to imagine literature without the great Latin American greats that gave us Magic Realism, Fantastic Literature, etc. Marquez, Cortazar, Borges… We’re lucky to have been able to read their works (I only wish my Spanish was good enough to read them in the original….sigh….).

    • As soon as I read that little detail about his work habits and how his wife would put a flower on his desk after he wrote, I immediately thought of that passage in his book about the flower petals raining from the sky. It’s funny how sometimes it’s the little details that touch us, isn’t it?

  4. A true colossus has passed, he is an author that should be required reading for everybody. What a dedicated man to get up that early and pursue his learning and talents. Opening up to any page of any of his works, readers are always guaranteed to find a wonderful quotation.

    • The end of an era, yes. Even if he hadn’t published in a long time (his last book Memories of My Melancholy Whores somehow different but still so recognizably Marquez).

    • There are so many great authors out there, one can’t have read them all, but the best part is that you have that to look forward to. His books are full of rich characters. At heart, he was just a really good storyteller.

  5. Letizia. You truly are reader who supports not only the books but the authors. I wish I could read Gabriel García Márquez in his native Spanish, but his works in translation are wonderful and give me many things to contemplate. His talent, his words and how they affect me. Wonderful tribute!

    • I wish I could read him in Spanish too. I can only read small passages, not entire novels, sigh. As you know, I admire writers. The courage it takes to be vulnerable, to be creative.

    • I’m looking forward to my rereading. And there are some short stories I haven’t read yet too. I’m such a fan of short stories so I’m looking forward to those.

  6. It’s weird. I started reading Love In The Time Of Cholera two nights ago because I was told that the author is amazing. It is a shame I learned of him so late. You have created a great tribute to a genius

    • Thanks for the kind words. How odd to be in the middle of reading Love in the Time of Cholera and get the news that Garcia Marquez passed away. What better tribute than to be reading one of his books though.

  7. What a lovely post to a great author of our time. I am so sad to hear of his passing, but I am grateful for the stories he left us. 🙂

  8. I have not had the pleasure of reading any of his work thank you for bringing him to my sheltered corner of the globe Letizia I will do my research and look him up thank you. Beautiful post I am now intrigued by him.

  9. A great writer indeed, I only heard about his work but did not have a chance to read his novels. I think, now its the time, I should honour this great writer by reading the translations of his work.

  10. I’ve been meaning to read 100 Years of Solitude for almost that long. 🙂 I’ll have to read it soon since you loved it so much. This is such a beautiful tribute and your daffodils are beautiful too. Now I’m picturing yellow flowers falling from the sky.

    • He was a unique writer, with a unique voice. Your comment made me laugh – it being almost 100 years that you’ve been meaning to read the book 🙂 I hope you enjoy it!

  11. A great tribute and I enjoyed learning about his routine. I wish I could be a morning person. I need to read more of his books. He has a few on my 1001 list.

  12. What a beautiful post Letizia, I could not do it, I could not do a tribute on my blog, nothing seem to good enough for this amazing writer, I was re-reading 100 Years of Solitude when I heard about his death, it just made me very sad. But his magical writing will stay with us for ever.

    • It’s so hard to encapsulate what his writing has brought to us, I agree, Doris. That’s why I could only focus on a small thing like a yellow flower. We’re lucky to have his books, to be able to reread them.

  13. It’s time to read 100 Years of Solitude, again…probably my 4th time. I loved his creative genius and gift of poetically writing about the mysteries and magical lives of his characters. I could never get my book club interested in him. Shame on them. Beautiful tribute, Letizia. Now I know why daffodils are my favorite flower. Every morning my husband goes outside and picks a hibiscus bloom for me. I treasure that. 🙂

    • Your husband sounds like a wonderful man (his photographs demonstrate a curious and compassionate eye so I’m not surprised!). It’s funny how your book club is reticent to read Marquez’s works. I think some people are intimidated by his reputation. If only they knew how beautiful and delightful his novels were!

      • They say they just aren’t into magical realism. Sadly, they won’t give it a try. And, yes, I am blessed with a wonderful husband. Thank you. Since South Florida doesn’t have daffodils, hibiscus will do.

Comments are always welcome!