Beach Library

As the days are warming up, I am already thinking of the joys of summer reading….

I came across these fun photos of a one-day beach library in Australia. In 2010, to advertise its bookshelves, IKEA put 30 full bookshelves on Bondi Beach in Sydney.

Surfers and swimmers could exchange their own books or leave a donation to The Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation.

Celebrating the 30th birthday of the IKEA BILLY bookcase on Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia

all photos by James D. Morgan/Rex Features


I wish my local beach had this!


67 thoughts on “Beach Library

  1. How fabulous! We would need books protected with transparent coverings like the ones in libraries I think to help them survive the rain and dramatic weather. But I still would want this on our Scottish beaches.

  2. Que maravilha, Letizia! Felizmente esse sistema de troca de livros estå difundindo-se bastante, é uma ótima forma de disseminar o conhecimento. Abraços, Jaime e Jana

    • I hadn’t thought about that, Valerie, but you are so right, that must have taken a lot of work, putting all those books in the shelves (and they had to walk across the sand to do it which is always a little tricky even without a pile of books in your arms!

  3. I would be soooo surprised to see a library on the beach, but delighted! I wonder what kind of books they offer! Great thought! Beach reading!

  4. I’m not a fan of beaches, though I would make an exception if full bookshelves were lying around! I’d worry about all the books getting wet or sandy though. D=

  5. Pingback: Beach Library | thediscursivesubject

    • Can you imagine how surprised the swimmers and surfers must have been to see the books there? What a wonderful surprise though! Thanks for commenting 🙂

  6. How inventive, plenty of natural light to read by, just cover them before the rain,
    Have you ever been to slab city? they have a borrow a book and return it.
    It a old base that has been taken over by the campers,
    if you ever watch the movie into the wild it shows some of it on their.
    Happy Mothers Day

  7. Pingback: Feeling beachy | Librarian for Life

  8. I’m pretty sure I’d never leave a place like this! I hope you’ve found lots of great books for your summer reading list. I’ll be thinking of you reading out on the patio with the squirrels and chipmunks. I’ll be out on my porch, probably with the same kinds of visitors.

    • I’m reading a book by Lynn Cox, the long distance swimmer. I love her memoirs and reading about swimming in the summer makes sense, doesn’t it? Enjoy your reading out on the porch with the squirrels and chipmunks (and thank you for the tweet!).

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